Probiotics R&D Global Trends and Industrial Applications

The rapid development of probiotics R&D stands at the forefront of a paradigm shift in health and nutrition sciences. This speech will delve deeply into the latest global trends in probiotics R&D, highlighting cutting-edge advances and transformational potential in scientific research and industrial applications. We will explore the growing integration of probiotics into functional foods, dietary supplements and even personalized nutrition, underscoring the scientific breakthroughs driving innovation. Additionally, the talk will discuss the research achievements of probiotics in multiple health aspects in recent years and the successful case studies in many countries, demonstrating how probiotics are revolutionizing not just gut health but also promoting roles in other areas such as oral health, skin health, reproductive health and metabolism. Attendees will gain insights into the future trends of probiotics applications to foster deeper understanding of their roles in the constantly changing global health ecosystem and strengthen possibilities for win-win cooperation.

Presented by

Date & Time
Friday March 15th, 2024 1:00pm PDT
End Date & Time
Friday March 15th, 2024 2:00pm PDT
Marriott, Platinum Ballroom 3-4

