Remineralizing the World: Understanding Where Minerals and Micronutrients Fit in Consumer Health and Wellness Needs

As the consumer mindset evolves around health and well-being, people are taking a closer look at their personal health needs and those of their family members (including their pets). Part of this process involves evaluating whether the food they’re eating can meet their specific nutrient needs. But the reality is, it’s not. In fact, some key and critical-to-our-health minerals are playing a starring role in our nutrient shortfalls according to the Centers for Disease Control.

In this session, learn about the consumer trends driving the health and wellness movement from NIQ, the latest data and influences on condition-specific supplement sales from Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ), and the critical role minerals play in our overall health starting at the cellular level.

From sports nutrition to sleep, building immunity and digestive health to bone health or tackling stress, learn from industry experts how to integrate minerals into your daily life and that of your family members.


Hosted by

Date & Time
Friday March 15th, 2024 2:00pm PDT
End Date & Time
Friday March 15th, 2024 3:30pm PDT
Marriott, Platinum Ballroom 5

